Friday, April 18, 2008

Friday, February 15, 2008

The 2 Best Vitamins for Athletes

Good ol' vitamin C gives you healthy capillaries, gums and teeth. It is most known for its power to heal wounds and help fight off infection. Endurance athletes in particular such as marathon runners need higher amounts of vitamin C.

In at numero 2 is Thiamin or vitamin B1. It serves in the complete breakdown of carbs. It also helps to appetite stimulation. Endurance athletes have been shown to increase performance by increasing their thiamin intake a few days before a competition.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

3 Ways to Cure the Cardio Blues

So that treadmill in the corner of your room is collecting dust and being used as a clothes hamper instead of a fat burning machine, not to worry here are some quick fixes to ensure you are getting a good calorie burning workout.

Cardio Fix #1:
Take up a cardio kickboxing class: Successful kickboxing classes can burn upwards of 800 calories per hour. In addition to burning a ton of calories these classes are fun, fast-paced and are arguably the single best way to vary your cardio routine.

Cardio Fix #2:
If a fitness kickboxing class isn’t your thing or you prefer to exercise in the comfort of your own home grab a jump rope and buy your self a heavy punching bag. Jump rope for 3 minutes then do 2 or 3 minutes on the bag and you will be blown away at the results you make.

Cardio Fix #3
Grab a friend and take up a new sport. Get involved with a league. Not only will this help to keep you in shape but also you will have something to look forward to each week.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

2 Exercises for Building Ginormous Guns

No Curls Allowed!!

Want to know the secret to building tremendous biceps and rip your triceps and shoulders to shreds? If you think the answer is 10 sets of curls 3 times per week you may learn why your arms have peaked.

Bicep curls and tricep extensions are isolation exercises. Although these could be useful towards the end of a workout you need to be doing compound exercises if you want to build the big guns.

If you are currently starting your workouts with curls try this instead

Squats: 5 sets, 5 reps
Deadlift: 4 sets, 6-8 reps

You can always add the curls later on but focus your energy on compound exercises early on in the workout and reap the rewards tremendous arms.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Is Creatine right for me?

In the world of supplements it is easy to be lost and confused. How many times have you tried a supplement you saw in a magazine that guaranteed you would pack on insane muscle only to be disappointed with minimum gain?

Arguably the most common supplement is creatine and the question you probably want to know is should you take it and does it work.

To sum it up briefly creatine is a metabolite found in the body, which is composed of 3 amino acids. It is found in the skeletal system in 2 forms, creatine phosphate and free chemically unbound creatine.

The benefits of Creatine have been shown to allow you to exercise longer and harder. It also gives you better pumps during your workout, and faster recovery time.

Contrary to what some believe creatine is completely safe to take. The only side effect is occasional upset stomach, which is most common when taking Creatine with other ingredients. To eliminate this, take Creative monohydrate and ignore all the ads for these other types of Creative.

It is also important that you stay hydrated and drink plenty of water as well as minimize your caffeine intake.

If you are looking to gain weight and add muscle mass safely and effectively then Creatine along with your high protein diet is going to be the best way to do just that.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Eat Healthy Next time you Dine Out

One of the most difficult choices we make when it comes to nutrition happens every time we go out to eat at our favorite restaurants. We are bombarded with choices most of which will not benefit our health but there is an answer. Here are a few healthy selections to consider next time you go out to eat

• Choose red sauce over white when eating pasta

• Choose a large salad as your appetizer

• Split your dessert with someone else

• Make sure you have a good protein source such as chicken or steak. Add vegetables and/or a potato (no not fries).

• Use common sense

There you have it. It wasn't so bad now was it?

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

2 Mouth Watering Recipes to Accelerate Fat Loss

Eating healthy does not have to be a chore. Try making these 2 great tasting smoothies today and have piece of mind knowing your feeding your body with beneficial nutrients

Smoothie #1:
1 cup of fat-free milk
1/2 cup orange juice
1/2 cup frozen or fresh pineapple
1/2 cup frozen or fresh strawberries
2 tablespoons of honey
21 grams whey protein powder

Smoothie #2
1/4 cup canned or frozen pineapple
1 apricot (fresh)
6 strawberries
1/2 banana
1 1/2 cup milk
single serving of protein powder

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Stability Ball Training 101

The Wrong Way To Use a Stability Ball

Using a stability ball can be a very beneficial way to strengthen and tone your body (just don't copy the video above). Here is a brief workout for you to try. Lay back on the ball so that your lower back is resting on the stability ball. Make sure that you are not sitting on it like you would a chair unless specified.

The Right Way To Use a Stability Ball

-chest press: grip 2 dumbbells and press them the way you would a bench press.

- Hammer Curl: grip 2 dumbbells and perform the same way you would do regular standing or seated hammer curls. (For this exercise you will actually be sitting on the stability ball).

- French Press: Grip a barbell and start with the bar above your head. Slowly lower it behind using your triceps to execute the movement and then return to the starting position. (Again for this exercise you will be sitting on the stability ball).

- Stability ball crunch: Lying on the stability ball crunch up the way you would on the floor. Cross your arms over your chest so you do not pull on your neck.

Do this workout 3x per week performing 4 sets of each doing between 12-15 reps.

Using a stability ball is especially useful for beginners although it can be just as effective for advanced exercise routines. The support it provides along with the benefits in helping your balance cannot be overlooked. The stability ball should be included in everyone's exercise routine every few weeks if not on a permanent basis.
